Monday, August 13, 2007

If there's one thing I regret the most.. that would be not having enough time to catch up with my friends back in the Philippines. Sure, there are times where I have all the time in the world to just sit infront of the computer and chat with them but in most cases, I don't. I feel bad for not being there physically for them in their time of need. And yes, I blame myself for sort of shutting myself to them. It's been more than a year since I last saw them and I know they've sort of moved on. I know they've made new friends which made me think that they don't need me anymore since they have new ones. But come to think of it, they didn't change a bit towards me. I mean, they're still there. I was the one pushing myself away.

Maybe I was scared. I was so scared of losing my friends whom I relied on for so long.

Most people say that your friends in highschool are your real true friends. I don't know about that. All I know is.. you can't really tell by just basing it on that. Your real friends are the ones that are there for you in your rise and your fall, no matter what happens. In my own experience, I found some of my real friends long before highschool. So you see, you don't really need highschool to find who your real friends are. You just have to look around to see who those people are.

I don't need a lot of friends. I just need good ones. Given that, it doesn't mean that I'm picky on who to be friends with. I'm just saying that I don't need friends for the sake of just saying we're friends or like he/she knows me. I need friends whom I can rely on, who are real and are true to themselves and to others as well.

I'm happy with my friends. They're the bests.=)
You guys are wicked awesome!;)


*The bum


Luisa Angela Baua. Wis.October 10. HS student. Youngest of three. Chicklet.

I WANT TO.. be loved and to travel the whole world.

ACHIEVED.. pretty much a lot of things and learned from every mistake I did.

GREATEST FEAR.. to be alone.

I BELIEVE THE FACT.. that it takes one to know one.



My fab friends:)

Stu Abancio
Pauline Abante
Caris Almazan
Paul Ang
Anj Caguioa
Therese Chua
Eirene Go
Maita Guevarra
Sibyl Layag
Aya Lemence
Sher Liquido
Michi Manosca
Monique Marinas
Rus Pascual
Miliza Prado
Ikit Singson
Mia Sumulong
Denise Tan
Sam Valencia

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